Price Policy

Our prices are subject to change. As the eclipse approaches, we hire additional staff, place rush orders for new stock and packing supplies, and pay upfront for faster shipping services in order to get orders delivered to buyers on time. As such, prices update based on market conditions and demand.

  • Price changes will typically be carried out overnight on a daily basis. This will usually be indicated by a "price valid thru [date]" tag on our listings, where the price change will usually be carried out after the date has passed.
  • Notwithstanding the above, if we are overwhelmed with a sudden surge of orders, we may enact a surge pricing fee while staff work overtime to pack orders on time. If you are not satisfied with the price, you are free to come back later, or ask us for the old price if you can wait until the surge is over for your order to be fulfilled.
  • If we are saturated with orders, we may stop taking new ones without warning. These freezes typically last less than a few hours while we resolve orders from customers who have already paid us for our goods and services.

If you buy something from us and then notice the price is later lowered to less than what you originally paid, you can contact us for a refund of the difference between what you paid and the lowered price.